
The ability to design, adapt and evaluate curricula, technology, media and other resources that meet the specific instructional and language-related needs and abilities of adult English language learners

In APLNG 806, I had learned how to design, select and/or adapt various curricular resources (textbooks, websites, media, authentic materials and others) to meet the students’ needs and help the students achieve their goals. Furthermore, I had learned several tools such as criterion-referenced tests and alternative forms of assessment for assessing ELLs, and I had a chance to analyze the course development project written by the language teacher. This really helps me become familiar with how to develop my own course.

In addition, I had developed lesson plans in APLNG808, and created the course development project including the lesson plans and the entire writing TOEFL course when I studied APLNG 806.

Samples of my Blog Entries

1.     Analyzing the Process of Course Development

"The main challenge that the teacher faced was how to motivate the students to write. "

"In my opinion, a good lesson plan should have clear, understandable and realistic objectives ...and should present a realistic timeline..." 

"When selecting the materials to be used in my private writing course for TOEFL test takers, I consider various issues. The first and foremost factor is the materials have to meet the students’ learning objectives and are appropriate for their levels of English language proficiency (at least an upper-intermediate level)."

5.     Assessments

"In my opinion, criterion-referenced tests (CRTs) are not better than norm-referenced tests (NRTs) because CRTs and NRTs have both strengths and weaknesses. CRTs and NRTs serve in different intended purposes and use different analysis methods which are aligned with the objectives of the courses."

      5.2  Personal Response Assessment

Samples of Lesson Plans (APLNG 808)

1.     Reading

2.     Writing

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