
“The ability to demonstrate effective instructional strategies for one-on-one tutoring, classroom teaching and learning assessment”

Throughout the program, I had learned several instructional strategies used in teaching pronunciation, speaking, listening, reading and writing for tutoring the student (one-on-one tutoring projects) and also assessed the student’s ablitities.

Samples of my tutoring projects


            In addition, I had an opportunity to observe the classroom, create a lesson plan to be used in the classroom which I observed, and finally write a final reflection paper.

            Furthermore, I observed the language classroom in order to see teacher-student interaction and student-student interaction. I also analyzed the language used in the classroom to see the features of classroom communication, scaffolding function of the teacher’s questions, discourse strategies and student-proposed intertextual links. With these two projects, I have gained a lot of knowledge and strategies to be used in my classroom.


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