
“The ability to develop on understanding of the multilingual/multicultural contexts within which adult English language learners live and work, and the role of learning and using English in an increasingly globalized world”


            According to APLNG 804, I had learned about cultures, the complexity of cultures and cultural concepts such as cultural assimilation, cultural pluralism and cultural hybridity. In addition, I realized that multicultural and multilingual contexts which the students bring into the language classroom have a great impact on how ELLs learn English language. Furthermore, I had learned my role of teaching English in the language classroom in the globalized world, and this APLNG 804 course truly raised my global cultural consciousness and my awareness about stereotypes, over-generalization and (hidden) biases.


Samples of my blog entries presenting how I achieve the goal presented above

“In my opinion, I would say that I live in several cultures simultaneously. Some cultures are the same as my culture, but some are different from my culture.”

“..I think that “culture is learned” to be the most compelling for how to think about culture and learning... I found out that different language classrooms have different cultures and patterns of communication presented in the classroom even though some classrooms have the students and the teachers who share similar backgrounds such as their first languages.”

“My conceptualization of the impact of globalization on culture is cultural glocalization (“cultural change happens as an exchange rather than a replacement of one for another”).”

“To develop “global cultural consciousness”, I think the students have to know and learn other cultures in order to see the differences between their own cultures and others.”

“…there are three implications for us as English language teachers. Firstly, English language teachers should be aware that different students have different viewpoints toward ESL course and/or other courses like the ALC… Secondly, English language teachers should provide clear objectives… Finally, English teachers should open their minds and find ways to get the students’ opinions about the course.”

“In my opinion, how the teachers position themselves definitely impacts the students’ interaction and learning in the class.”

“There are two things that I will do in the classroom to help my ELLs become aware of the global, national and social and individual realities which influence their identity development.”


Thanks to the APLNG 804 course, I had experienced in conducting the exploratory project (Critical Cultural Analysis Project) which allowed me to explore my own cultures and other cultures. Moreover, I had an opportunity to know and learn how the two subjects whom I interviewed adapted themselves into the new cultures, and how they had learned English language in the globalized world.

   This is part of my cultural bag which presents my identity.

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